

This is the current BPOS  Constitution


The name of the organisation shall be “British Pakistani Orthopaedic Society”.


• To provide educational and training support to the Orthopaedic surgeons of Pakistani and British origin currently practicing or in training in the UK.

• To support those who have been trained in the UK but are practising in Pakistan or other part of the globe.

• Bringing together British Pakistani Orthopaedic surgeons to promote orthopaedic education for better patient care.

• To develop strong ties with other orthopaedic organisations in the UK to enhance education and training.

• To provide support and guidance to junior doctors who intend to do orthopaedics as their career.


Membership of the Society shall comprise of the following categories:

• Home members

• Overseas members

Full membership is open to those who are, at the time of application, a practising orthopaedic surgeon, a trainee, and specialty doctor in Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery in the UK.

Full membership is open to those who are, who trained in the UK and now practising orthopaedic surgeon in UK, Pakistan and across the globe.

Further applications from Physiotherapists/plaster technicians may be considered at the discretion of the executive committee.


There shall be an Annual General Body Meeting.

Society’s Business Meetings may be held on various occasions decided by the Executive Committee.

The President shall call a Special Business Meeting within 4 weeks of receiving a request, signed by at least ten members stating the nature of the agenda/business to be discussed.

Ten members shall form a minimum quorum at Business Meetings.

Executive committee and office bearers

The Executive Committee shall consist of the Office bearers with specific responsibilities. It can comprise three to four elected members.

The office bearers of the Committee shall be Members of the Society. There should be a President, President Elect, General Secretary, Joint Secretary, and a Treasurer. The office bearers must have performed duties as members of the various committees.

The president shall be elected for a period of one year.

The general secretary and treasurer positions shall be for two years.

The office bearers shall be elected annually/biannually by a majority voting at Annual General Body meeting.

Certain posts in various committees shall serve for two years after the approval of executive committee.

The President shall chair the Executive Committee meetings. In their absence the President shall nominate a deputy.

The General Secretary or his deputy shall minute all the proceedings of the meetings.

Any member found guilty of conduct contrary to the interests of the Society shall be asked by the Executive Committee to resign from the membership of the Society. However, the member can appeal to the committee, which shall be heard in next business meeting.

The out going President can be requested by the Executive committee to remain in position as ‘Past President’ for advice and guidance.

To have a smooth transition ‘President Elect’ can be nominated/elected who shall work in collaboration with The President to get insight about matters of the society before taking up the role of The President in coming year.

Regional Representatives

Each Regional representative shall be a member of the Society. Regional representative can be elected for London, Midland, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Overseas.


The committee shall decide annual subscriptions and any changes shall be agreed by a majority members at a business meeting.

In event the subscription is in arrears, no member shall be entitled to any of the privileges of the Society.

If the subscription remains unpaid for six months they shall cease to be a member of the Society.

Re-registration may be granted by the committee on receipt of new application.

The financial year shall comprise from 5th of Aril to 4th of April.

The Treasurer shall produce an annual report of the finances to the Annual General Meeting.

The President shall be authorised signatory for the Society’s finances.

No member shall incur any expense on behalf of the Society without the prior written authorisation from Executive Committee. The grounds of such expenses shall be clearly described.

Alteration of Constitution/Rules

The alteration in Constitution and Rules shall only be made by a vote of at least two-thirds members present at a Business Meeting.

The General Secretary shall send a notice of all proposed alterations to all members not less than two weeks before the date of the meeting. Ten Members shall form a minimum quorum at a meeting called to alter the Constitution of the Society.